Lorraine regularly is a requested soprano soloist for funerals in Limerick. Lorraine has had many years of experience singing for requiem masses and memorial services. Lorraine was a funeral soloist working with both Fanagans and Stafford's funeral directors when she was based in Dublin. Lorraine thinks it a privilege to be asked to sing for such services to help grieving families remember their loved ones at such a difficult time and to help celebrate their life.
Lorraine will also do her utmost to accommodate any musical requests that you may want performed in memory of your loved one.
Lorraine covers a vast range of repertoire for funeral services here is a sample list:
Here I am lord
How great thou art
Abide with me
Christ be beside me
Be not afraid
Sweet Heart of Jesus
The Lords my Shepard
On eagles wings
I rejoiced when I heard them say
I have loved you
Be not afraid
Gospel acclamation
Seinn alleluia
Alleluia Lawton
Mo Gra’sa, Mo Dhia
Here I am lord
Steal away to Jesus
Pie Jesu – Faure / Llyod Webber
Ave Maria/ Schubert
Ag Criost an Siol
Bi Iosa Im Chroise
Make me a channel of your peace
Dona Nobis
Ave Maria –Schubert/Gounad
Panis Angelicus
The Cloud’s Veil
Nella Fantasia
Laudaute Dominium
The Hiding Place
There is a place
Amazing Grace
Going Home/I watch the sunrise
How great thou art
You raise me up
Nearer my god to thee